Dr. Enrica Pansera
Veterinarian, Medical Director
Cat Friendly Clinic Attorney
Graduated in Veterinary Medicine at the University of Milan in 2008 with a grade of 107/110 with an experimental thesis on chronic renal failure in dogs with Prof. Paola Scarpa.
For more than 10 years she has collaborated with numerous veterinary facilities in the province of Brescia, while she was in charge of her two veterinary practices and her numerous patients, which she also followed by providing a professional veterinary medical service at home.
In 2020 she decided to create a single veterinary facility able to offer its patients a 360-degree global care service, founding the San Michele Polyclinic, of which today is the owner and Medical Director.
The mission statement that she decided is to be able to offer patients and their owners a veterinary diagnostic team that primarily protects animal welfare and offers owners a complete clinical view of their pet’s pathology. She dedicates herself with passion to veterinary dentistry, following her mentor and referral colleague Dr. Mirko Radice.
Within the staff of the San Michele Polyclinic, she is the contact person for internal medicine, especially geriatrics, physiotherapy and nutrition.
Also passionate about Pet Therapy, she collaborates with the “I Cani del Mulino” Association as an experienced veterinarian and as a dog assistant in the IAA (Animal Assisted Interventions). Partner Siodocov (Odontostomatology and Oral Surgery).
The strong and intense collaboration with Dr. Ilaria Capua (University of Florida and One Health Center of Excellence) meant that the San Michele Polyclinic actively participated in deepening and promulgating the concept of ONE HEALTH with particular regard to zoonoses and to their monitoring.
Dr. Cristina Cosio
Veterinarian, Cat Friendly Clinic Attorney
Graduated in Veterinary Medicine from the University of Parma in 2013 with a grade of 110/110. She has collaborated with numerous veterinary facilities in the province of Brescia and has been collaborating on a stable basis with San Michele Polyclinic since September 2020 as the Referent for Internal Medicine and Ultrasound.
Fields of interest and insights: internal medicine, with particular interest in endocrinology. In this context, she published a scientific article in 2017 which identified the first world case of prolactinoma in dogs (Cosio C., Sartori E. et al. Prolactinoma in a dog. Vet Pathol. 2017; 54 (6): 972 -976.)
For 7 years she worked alongside Dr. Marcello Garatti in his activity as a reference sonographer in various veterinary facilities. She has participated in numerous refresher and advanced courses, including the internal medicine course for dogs and cats (Salò), refresher courses in the field of endocrinology (Summer School of Veterinary Endocrinology), ultrasound, radiology and first aid. ESVE member (European Society of Veterinary Endocrinology). Since October 2020 she is “Cat Advocate” in the “Cat Friendly Clinic” programme for San Michele Polyclinic.
Dr. Linda Costanzi
Graduated in Veterinary Medicine at the University of Teramo in 2016, she now collaborates on a regular basis with San Michele Polyclinic as a referent for exotic and unconventional animals.
She has always had a strong interest in exotic and unconventional animals, a passion that drove her to achieve the 2nd level University Master in “Reproduction, management, pathology and therapy of unconventional animals” at the University of Veterinary Medicine of Parma. Constantly updated with numerous training courses, she collaborates with various specialists in veterinary medicine of exotic animals, first of these Dr. Igor Pelizzone.
She has also attended courses in emergency medicine, nephrology, gastroenterology, emergency radiology, basic and FAST ultrasound, surgery and anaesthesiology of pets. Member of SIVAE (Italian Veterinary Society for Exotic Animals) since 2015.
Dr. Michela Zeziola
Veterinarian, Customer Service and Front Office
German specialization in Internal Medicine and Intensive Care. She graduated in Veterinary Medicine from the University of Milan in 2002.
From 2002 to 2014 she worked in Freiburg (Germany) where she obtained the title of Fachtierarzt (German specialization in internal medicine and surgery of small animals).
From 2002 to 2020 she worked as a veterinarian of internal medicine dedicating herself with passion to the long-term hospitalization and intensive care ward. She participates in international courses and congresses to guarantee continuous training for her professional figure.
Publications: 2007 Seroprevalence of Anaplasma phagocytophilum infection in dogs in Germany Berl Munch Tierarztl Wochenschr. 2006 Jul-Aug; 119 (7-8): 342-7.
Since 2020 she has been steadily collaborating with the San Michele Polyclinic as Customer Care and Front Office Manager. She is the referent of the veterinary medical service of clinical triage of patients, Customer Service Add-on essential for a more professional, precise and practical management of patients arriving and in discharge. Her experience in leishmania cases means that she is a referent in this area for consultations and medical examinations at San Michele Polyclinic.
Dr. Piergiorgio Quarta
Veterinary Technician
Graduated in Animal Protection and Welfare from the University of Teramo in 2012. He attended a postgraduate course in veterinary emergency management (2013-2015).
He worked in veterinary facilities in the provinces of Lecce and Modena, mainly dealing with exotic and unconventional animals as a Veterinary Nurse.
For five years he worked alongside Dr. Giordano Nardini at the Modena Sud Veterinary Clinic. He collaborates with San Michele Polyclinic as a veterinary technician. His strong passion and his deep knowledge of exotic and unconventional animals have contributed over the years to develop a great experience in the management of terrariums, a skill that is made available to owners of exotic animals who require advice in this specific area.
Dr. Lorenzo Fulvi
Veterinary Doctor
Graduated with full marks in Veterinary Medicine from the University of Milan in 2009.
Since 2010 he has been working as an anaesthesiologist and first aid doctor at various reference structures in northern Italy. In 2014 in Milan, he obtained the postgraduate degree in pathology and clinic of pets with full marks and honours with an experimental thesis in the field of anaesthesiology. In 2018 he obtained the II level Master in Anaesthesia and Pain Therapy for pets and non-conventional animals at the University of Pisa. He has participated in numerous conferences and training courses in Anaesthesia and Intensive Care held by the specialized companies SIATAV, UNISVET, PerFormat and at the Veterinary Clinic S. Antonio (Salò).
His main fields of interest concern the techniques of regional anaesthesia, the use of advanced methods for ventilation during anaesthesia and intensive care and anaesthesia in patients undergoing ophthalmological and dental procedures.
He has been collaborating on a stable basis with the San Michele Polyclinic since 2020 as a reference anaesthesiologist for all surgeries.
Dr. Federico Alghisi
Referent for Soft Tissue Surgery, Orthopedics, Laparoscopy
Graduated in Veterinary Medicine in 2008 at the University of Parma with a thesis on stable angle internal fixation systems in orthopedics and traumatology. He immediately developed an interest in hard tissue surgery, attending the veterinary clinic Dr. Antonio Ferretti (dipl. ECVS) until 2014.
In 2011 he became a member of the La Meridiana Veterinary Clinic (Maclodio BS) where he currently deals with surgery, with particular interest in traumatology and minimally invasive surgery.
In recent years he has started several collaborations with colleagues in the province, as a referent for specialist soft tissue surgery and hard tissue surgery. In 2016 he presented a communication on laparoscopic ovariectomy to the SCVI. In October 2017 he obtained the GPCert in soft tissue surgery.
He collaborates with the San Michele Polyclinic since September 2020 as a referent for general, oncological and orthopedic surgery.
Dr. Sara Cotti Cometti
Referent of Oncology
Graduated in Veterinary Medicine at the University of Milan in 2011. After graduating, she participated in a theoretical and practical internship in Medical and Surgical Oncology at the Veterinary Clinic of Nerviano (MI) of Dr. Giorgio Romanelli. In January 2012, the outpatient clinical activity began at Breno where she deals with internal medicine, cytology and oncology. In 2015 she obtained the title of Executive Master in Veterinary Oncology Unisvet. She participates in conferences and seminars of the SIONCOV (Italian Society of Veterinary Oncologists), AIVO (Italian Association of Veterinarians for Oncology) associations and study groups of Dr. Carlo Masserdotti and Prof. Mario Caniatti. Since 2017 she has collaborated with various clinics and outpatient clinics as a contact person for oncology and cytology. Since September 2020 she has been actively collaborating with the San Michele Polyclinic as a referent of Oncology.
Dr. Lucia Ramera
Referent of Cardiology, Ultrasound
Graduated in Veterinary Medicine at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine of the University of Milan in 1994, she works as a freelance in cardiology in the area of Brescia, Bergamo and Cremona. She has been collaborating since 2000 with Dr. Roberto Santilli at the “Malpensa Veterinary Clinic” (Samarate – VA) for the drafting of scientific articles, courses and works related to the ecgontheweb.com telemedicine service.
Her main interest is arrhythmology, carrying out research work in particular on automatic junctional tachycardia and ventriculo-atrial conduction in dogs.
Author of several publications in national and international journals, she has participated as a speaker in courses and seminars of the GACVI (Italian Veterinary Arrhythmology and Cardiac Stimulation Group), of SCIVAC, of UNISVET, of various Professional Orders and of the Veterinary Clinic S. Antonio di Salò.
She collaborated in the writing of the essay: “Electrocardiography of the dog and cat. Genesis and interpretation of the heart rhythm “(2009),” Manual of cardiology of the dog and cat “(2012) published by Elsevier and the translation of the text “Electrocardiography of the dog and cat – Diagnosis of arrhythmias” (2018) ed. Edra, “Electrocardiography of dogs and cats” (2020) ed. Edra, and the DVD “Electrocardiography of the dog and cat” (2014) ed. Boehringer Ingelheim.
In 2019 she obtained the European Certification of competence in veterinary echocardiography.
Since September 2020 she has been collaborating with the San Michele Polyclinic, making visits by appointment as a contact person for Cardiology.
Dr. Sara Cavazza
Referent of Homotoxicology
Graduated in Veterinary Medicine at the University of Padua in 2005.
In 2011 she began to deepen patient care through Biological Regulatory Medicine, first following a path in Veterinary Homotoxicology and then obtaining a diploma in Homeopathy, Homotoxicology and Integrated Medicine finished in June 2015 with a thesis on the homotoxicological treatment of dysplasia of the hip in a labrador retriever. She continued his studies by deepening Bach flowers, learning the Cranio Sacral Technique applied to Veterinary Medicine. She is currently attending the course of phytotherapy and mycotherapy. She also uses Laser Therapy for the treatment of her patients.
She has collaborated with the San Michele Polyclinic since 2020, carrying out visits by appointment as a veterinarian referring to Homotoxicology.
Dr. Marcello Garatti
Referent for thoracic and abdominal ultrasound
Graduated from the University of Milan in 1999, he completed various experiences in the clinical and ultrasound field at private and university veterinary facilities in Italy, Europe and the United States as well as assistance as a guest in the field of internal and interventional ultrasound in hospitals.
From 2005 to 2007 he attended the ESAVS (European School for Advanced Veterinary Studies) course “Internal medicine”, Utrecht (Netherlands).
From 2004 to 2016, speaker for national courses on clinical endocrinology.
Since 2007 speaker and instructor for national courses and workshops on basic and specialised abdominal ultrasound topics for various private bodies and scientific societies. Since 2002 he collaborates with the S. Antonio Veterinary Clinic, Salò (BS), where he mainly deals with internal and interventional ultrasound and internal medicine as well as organisational and didactic activities within the courses of the S. Antonio Study Centre in Salò.
Since January 2005 he has been carrying out itinerant internal ultrasound reference activities with colleagues in the province of Brescia and neighbouring provinces. He was graduate co-supervisor for topics related to dog ultrasound and co-author of works on dog internal medicine presented as congress posters or published in scientific journals. Adjunct professor at the University of Teramo as part of the two-year II level master’s degree in diagnostic imaging of small animals in the academic year of 2019/2020. He is a member of the SIUMB (Italian Society of Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology) study group and speaker at the national congresses of the society.
Dr. Giovanni Mosca
Referent of Orthopedics
Graduated with full marks in Veterinary Medicine from the University of Milan in 2016.
Subsequently he carried out a rotational internship at the Sant’Antonio Clinic in Salò (BS) and a period of training in the orthopedic field at the Vezzoni Clinic in Cremona where he then carried out a visiting activity in the following years. Since 2017 he has been the FSA (Animal Health Foundation) referent veterinarian for the diagnosis of hip and elbow dysplasia, patellar luxation and aseptic necrosis of the femoral head. He has attended various training courses in soft tissue surgery, orthopedics and orthopedic surgery such as the UNISVET Academy of Orthopedics, the ISVPS Soft Tissue Surgery Itinerary, the ISVPS Orthopedics and Traumatology Itinerary. He has also participated in numerous national and international congresses and specialized training courses including the AOVET internal osteosynthesis course, the osteosynthesis course through linear external fixation, the TPLO (Tibial Plateau Leveling Osteotomy) masterclass, the TPLO advanced course and the PAUL course. (Proximal Abducting Ulnar Osteotomy).
He is a member of SCIVAC, AOVET and of the specialist companies SIOVET and SCVI. In 2020 he obtained the General Practitioner Certificate in Small Animal Orthopedic Surgery (GPCertSAOS) at the International School of Veterinary Postgraduate Studies (ISVPS). His main fields of interest are skeletal growth pathologies, internal osteosynthesis and knee surgery. He works as an orthopedic practitioner and as a surgeon at various Lombard veterinary clinics.
He has been collaborating on a stable basis since 2020 with the San Michele Polyclinic as an orthopedic referent and orthopedic surgeon.
Dr. Chiara Ferrucci
Referent of Dermatology
Veterinary doctor with II level diploma in veterinary dermatology. Graduated with full marks from the University of Parma in September 2003, qualified as a veterinary surgeon in November 2003 and enrolled in the Brescia Order of Veterinarians since 2004. In the three-year period 2005-2007 she attended the dermatology course of the European School for advanced veterinary studies at the University of Vienna (E.s.a.v.s.) She attended the II level Master in veterinary dermatology at the University of Teramo between 2006 and 2007, graduating in May 2007.
She has been a Sidev partner since 2004. Since 2003 she has been mainly interested in veterinary dermatology, attending numerous seminars, national and international courses and providing dermatological consultancy. She has collaborated with the San Michele Polyclinic since 2020, carrying out visits by appointment as a Dermatology referent.
Dr. Michele Bergamaschi
Internal Medicine. Ultrasound. Cardiology.
Graduated with full marks in Veterinary Medicine from the University of Parma in 2008.
Since 2009 he collaborates with the most prestigious Veterinary Clinic and He has participated in numerous conferences and training courses held by specialized companies like SCIVAC.
He obtained the ESVPS GPCert Card in cardiology, the ESVPS GPCert EM&S in First Aid Medicine and the ESVPS GPCert SAM in Internal Medicine.
His main field of interest concern the Ultrasound, the Internal Medicine and the First Aid Medicine, for which he is collaborating in stable basis with the San Michele Polyclinic since 2021.
Dr. Alice Chierichetti
Graduated in Veterinary Medicine from the University of Padova.
She is member of S.I.A.N.A. (Società italiana di Alimentazione e Nutrizione Animale) e GDIVET (Gruppo di Dietologia Veterinaria Italiana).
After participated in numerous courses and masters, today she is a reference for the Clinic nutrition of the small animals, collaborating with many private structures.
She collaborates in stable basis with the San Michele Polyclinic since 2021.
Camilla Novaglio
Customer service
Graduated in Veterinary Medicine from the University of Padova.
She is member of S.I.A.N.A. (Società italiana di Alimentazione e Nutrizione Animale) e GDIVET (Gruppo di Dietologia Veterinaria Italiana).
After participated in numerous courses and masters, today she is a reference for the Clinic nutrition of the small animals, collaborating with many private structures.
She collaborates in stable basis with the San Michele Polyclinic since 2021.
Dr. Lucia Raiola
Referent of Neurology
Mi sono laureata con lode presso la facoltà di medicina veterinaria dell’università Federico II di Napoli nel 2015. Nel biennio 2015/2016 ho frequentato un tirocinio rotazionale presso la clinica veterinaria San Marco di Padova. Ho lavorato dal 2016 al 2019 presso la clinica veterinaria “Laterza” di Napoli, clinica di riferimento di neurologia e diagnostica per immagini della Campania.
Dal 2019 lavoro presso l’Ospedale Veterinario Baioni di Bergamo occupando principalmente di Neurologia clinica, diagnostica per immagini (mri), medicina interna e diagnostica di laboratorio.
Dal 2019 sono iscritta alla Sinvet e ho frequentato settimanalmente la clinica veterinaria specialistica Neurovet per la mia formazione professionale. Nello stesso anno ho seguito il corso di Neurodiagnostica organizzato dalla Scivac. Ho frequentato la masterclass di neurologia con relatore la diplomata Marika Menchetti, organizzata dall clinica san marco. Da allora sono in continuo aggiornamento professionale con interesse per la neurologia e la medicina interna.